From Nurse…to Writer.
From nurse to writer. At first hearing this, it doesn't sound like a natural progression of careers. I get that.
I actually didn’t even know nurse writing was a thing in the beginning of my career. As my first blog post here, I wanted to take some time to explain who I am, how I got here, and what my vision is for my company, Locksley Content.
I’ve been a nurse for over 10 years in almost every department including pediatrics, family medicine, emergency/trauma, triage, management, and many different specialties. I’ve worked in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. However, my career choice to be a nurse wasn’t something I always wanted to do.
The path to becoming a nurse.
I started out finishing my bachelors degree in cultural anthropology. Although immensely interesting, the study of human cultures didn’t translate to a paying job right out of school (like so many degrees nowadays!). A family member mentioned to me that I should be a doctor because I’ve always been a good caregiver. I couldn’t fathom another 8+ years of school, so I opted for nursing instead. Fast forward 7 years and interestingly, about 6 years of school off and on, I earned my Bachelors of Nursing degree.
While working in so many nursing fields, I thrived when I could use my creative side of the brain to help patients. This doesn’t happen often in the medical field. You can’t just ‘be creative’ when dosing medications or providing care. It’s a pretty standardized career with protocols and policies to follow. I always felt like I was missing using that right side of my brain.
Making connections. Branching out.
Then, a shining light entered my life. No, not my husband or kids (although they also shine pretty bright), but my sister-in-law. She runs a successful content marketing agency, Buzzworthy Content, and she was the one who encouraged me to begin my content marketing and copywriting business focusing on what I know best…healthcare.
So yeah, I did have a lot of advice and help learning how to set up a website, practicing SEO, and how to write differently than my medical research papers I had to do so often for school. As I branched out I met other nurse writers in the industry and made connections. It took me some time to realize that behind every webpage, every email, every blog…is a person. Someone who you can connect with ‘in the real world’ as they say.
Using words to connect.
So that’s who I write to now for all my clients. I write to the real-world person behind the screen. I envision you, the reader, scrolling through my words as you sit at your desk, your couch, in the school pickup line, or most likely these days, your kitchen-counter-turned-home-office. I connect with readers just like you through my words. I guess in a way, I did figure out how to use my degree in anthropology to its best extent…it just took me a lot of different roads to find it.
The beginning of something big.
I’m more than happy to announce my company, Locksley Content, is finally live and accepting clients! I am eager to collaborate with health and wellness brands to create amazing words together. Having an experienced nurse write your copy and content adds that touch of authenticity and authoritative voice that you can’t get with any freelancer.
Email me today, I’d love to chat!
-Amanda Lundberg, RN, BSN